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Driving the Future: SONDA's Journey at Smart Cities Connect 2024

The Smart Cities Connect 2024 event, held in Raleigh, North Carolina, served as a nexus for leading organizations and visionary individuals committed to shaping the future of urban living.

The Smart Cities Connect 2024 event, held in Raleigh, North Carolina, served as a nexus for leading organizations and visionary individuals committed to shaping the future of urban living.

As proud Bronze Sponsors, SONDA was pivotal role in highlighting innovative solutions and fostering collaborative partnerships to revolutionize urban landscapes. 

At the heart of the event was a compelling panel discussion titled "Behind Life-Changing Technologies Connecting Citizens: Empowering Inclusivity Through Collaboration and Technology." Led by Beatriz Gago of SONDA, the panel brought together esteemed leaders, including Maurizio Rinaldi, CEO of SONDA USA, Lee Davenport from US-Ignite, Geoffrey Urbach representing the City of San Antonio, and Carlos Tamayo, an SME Consultant at SONDA. Together, they delved into the transformative potential of technology collaboration in building inclusive smart cities.

Among engaging discussions and strategic engagements, participants had the opportunity to connect with organizations such as US-Ignite and National Strategies LLC (NSI), explore avenues for impactful collaborations, and navigate government partnerships. 

Venturing beyond discussions, participants explored Downtown Cary Park, a living showcase of smart city innovations. From sensor-equipped trash cans to weather warning systems, the park epitomized the convergence of IoT technologies and urban living, signaling a future where cities are smarter, safer, and more connected.

As we reflect on the insights gained at Smart Cities Connect 2024, one thing becomes clear: the collective efforts of organizations and individuals drive the evolution of urban landscapes. SONDA remains steadfast in its commitment to driving innovation and fostering partnerships that empower communities and enhance the quality of life.


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