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Information Revolution: Why data democratization matters to organizations today

Data is currently the most valuable resource for any organization, as it allows the identification of practical strategies that enhance productivity.

Data is currently the most valuable resource for any organization, as it allows the identification of practical strategies that enhance productivity.

In recent years, the democratization of data has ceased to be an option and has become a significant factor affecting company competitiveness. Data provides an organization with the necessary information to direct its actions.

Data democratization - what does it mean?

As part of democratizing data, users can access, gather and analyze information independently on any computer in an organization. It does not matter how technically proficient they are.

Data democratization can help companies increase profitability, create a better user experience, and support data-driven decision-making.

According to the Exploring Topics portal, 328.77 million terabytes accumulate daily. Furthermore, the report states that by 2025, 181 zettabytes of information will exist.

According to a Statista study, about 90% of all world data comes in the past two years. This eye-opening statistic highlights the dizzying pace at which society makes information today.

In terms of storage, analysis, and effective use of this avalanche of information, this phenomenon poses new challenges and opportunities.

Here are some recommendations on data democratization applied to organizations:

  1. Filter the data query

Data democratization does not mean all employees can access information from all areas. For this reason, including filters within the search will restrict the sites consulted.

The filtering system effectively prevents these searches from overloading the system when making relevant queries.

2. Monitor data usage

Within the democratization process, it is also highly recommended to consider the use people will give to data. Organizations are responsible for verifying and monitoring what, when, and how data is used.

However, platforms that help with data virtualization can recommend personalized data sets for each person.

3. Limit data visibility to your role.

One of the most significant benefits of data democratization is the ability to streamline processes that would otherwise take a long time. But, data should only be visible to some.

Every organization must have a data visualization platform that allows role-based access controls. Thus, the positions that will access each piece of information can be determined.

4. Identify the appropriate formats and channels

As a result of the democratization of data, objectives are met by sharing data in a format and channel appropriate to each profile and level of expertise.

It is possible to gain new business insights by presenting this data in the correct format. It allows people with varying knowledge and skills to access and utilize it.

As a result of the selection of formats and channels, employees can work in a more agile environment. It allows them to perform multiple tasks simultaneously. In this sense, it helps motivate employees because the feeling of belonging to the organization intensifies.

Data democratization requires the hiring of a strategic advisor and experts. SONDA staff can assist you in safely and securely migrating your data.

SONDA can play a fundamental role in data democratization as a provider of technological solutions and services. This way, organizations can access, manage, and share information efficiently and securely.

5. Platforms for data storage and management

Our cloud storage solutions and data management systems enable companies to store large volumes of information quickly and scalable.

This way, different users and teams can access data quickly, fostering collaboration and decision-making based on relevant information.



 Did you know that?


According to a study by Data Facts, the United States has five times as many data centers (2.701) as any other country in the world.



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