Our Value

We are the leading partner in the region for the public sector. Optimizing resources and enhancing public service efficiency with transparency and visibility.

Our technology and innovation improve citizens' perceptions of public services and enhance their quality of life. At SONDA, we understand the value that technology brings to regional institutions.

Our services

Procurement Portal

Our Government Procurement solutions address the challenge of transparency, providing an effective mechanism to reduce costs by allowing public institutions to access the best market offers.

IDs and Passports

We handle the entire technological process of the identification system, from producing ID cards and passports to implementing a new biometric database, developing a computer system, and installing all necessary data capture stations.

Livestock Traceability

Our solution ensures and enhances the traceability of the bovine production chain, guaranteeing the safety and quality of meat and dairy products for both domestic consumption and export. It securely integrates information into a centralized database, allows online updates, and provides real-time responses using communication technologies, computers, networks, and the Internet.

Public Transportation

We develop comprehensive solutions that significantly improve passengers' safety, modernity, and quality of life. Additionally, they promote the development of more complex transportation systems by integrating various services and modes of transportation, enabling authorities to set more appropriate fare structures.

Conoce nuestras redes


Conoce nuestras redes

our network
